Best Workshop Paper Award at IEEE-conference for PrimeLife Researchers
Best Workshop Paper Award at IEEE-conference for PrimeLife Researchers
PrimeLife researcher Bibi van den Berg presented a paper that she wrote together with Ronald Leenes (both: Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society) at the Second IEEE International Conference on Social Computing in Minneapolis (Minnesota, USA) held from August 20th to August 22nd. Their paper won the Best Paper Award in the PASWeb 2010 Workshop on privacy aspects of the social web and cloud computing.
Abstract of the paper:
In recent years, research has shown that most social network sites pose serious privacy and security risks for individual users. From the existing analyses of privacy and security risks in social network sites we deduce that one of the biggest categories of privacy risks revolves around the notion of ‘audience segregation’, i.e. the partitioning of different audiences and the compartmentalization of social spheres. Since audience segregation is an important mechanism in everyday interactions between people in the real world, van den Berg and Leenes argue that social network sites ought to include this mechanism as well. Current social network sites lack this mechanism. They also present Clique, a privacy-preserving social network site that provides ‘audience segregation’ to its users as an alternative.
The PrimeLife web team congratulates to this success.
The paper will be published as: Van den Berg, Bibi, and Leenes, Ronald, (2010). Audience segregation in social network sites, in: Proceedings for SocialCom2010/PASSAT2010 (Second IEEE International Conference on Social Computing/Second IEEE International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust), 20-22 August 2010 in Minneapolis (Minnesota, USA). IEEE, pages 1111-1117.