



"Privacy-respecting Reputation for Wiki Users", at IFIP Trust Management, Copenhagen, Denmark B. Kellermann, S. Pötzsch, S. Steinbrecher 29.06.-01.07.2011
"Paneltalk", at LAW AND TECHNOLGY Workshop, ONLINE TRACKING PROTECTION & BROWSERS, Brussels, Belgium K. Rannenberg 22./23.06.2011
"An Economic Valuation Approach for (Privacy Enhancing) Identity Management Services", at PrimeLife Summit Event/IFIP SEC 2011, Lucerne, Switzerland S. Koschinat, G. Bal, K. Rannenberg 07.06.-09.06.2011

"Policy Specification and Enforcement in Emerging Scenarios", keynote at IEEE International Symposium on Policies for Distribuited Systems and Networks (POLICY 2011), Pisa, Italy, June 6-8, 2011

P. Samariti


"Who needs Facebook anyway? – privacy & sociality in Social Network Sites", keynote at Federated Social Web Conference, to be held June 3-5, 2011 in Berlin, Germany

R. Leenes

"An Economic Valuation Approach for (Privacy Enhancing) Identity Management Systems", at FIA 2011-1, Budapest, Hungary K. Rannenberg 17.05.-19.05.2011
"Privacy in Emerging Scenarios of the Information Society", MSc programme on Technoeconomic Management and Security of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, Greece, April 23rd, 2011 P. Samarati 23.04.2011
"Welcome Speech" Keynote at Trust in Digital Life General Assembly, Düsseldorf, Germany K. Rannenberg 05./06.04.2011
"Privacy Dashboard - Gratis Schutz vor verstecketn Cookies", Interview published at P. Wolkerstorfer 04.04.2011
"Identitätsmanagement - Wer managt was?", Keynote at Paderborner Tag der IT-Sicherheit 2011, Paderborn, Germany K. Rannenberg 17.03.2011
"Data Protection and Privacy for pupils", booth presentation at 1. Mini-Medien-Kompetenz Messe, Kiel, germany K. Janneck, H. Brocks 19.02.2011
"Online Privacy", participation in Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 11061/1, Dagstuhl, Germany M. Hansen 06.02.-11.02.2011
"Privacy in mobile applications and beyond", at Uni Luxemburg Workshop: Location-based Services and Privacy Assurance (LSPA) K. Rannenberg 04.02.2011
"What is on the law firms agenda?", chairing of the panel discussion at the Conference Computers, Privacy & Data Protection CPDP 2011, Brussels, Belgium M. Hansen 25.01.-27.01.2011
"Transparency enhancing tools, HCI for policy display & informed consent", Paneldiscussion at the ENISA panel at CPDP 2011, Brussels, Belgium S. Fischer-Hübner 25.01.2011
"Identity Assurance - Who gets the assurance, who carries the risk?", at TURBINE final Workshop - CryptoBimoetrics for Enhanced Trusted Identity Managemen: Dreams and Reality K. Rannenberg 17./18.01.2011
"Ein Kondom für den Firefox", Interview published at P. Wolkerstorfer 02.01.2011
"Assessment of Privacy Issues in Monitoring Environments", talk at meeting of the PHM Ethics project, Göttingen, Germany H. Zwingelberg 30.11.2010
"Law Enforcement and Data Retention in the light of Anoymisation Services", at Cyberspace 2010, Brno, Czech Republic S. Köpsell, P. Svenda 26.11.2010
"Privacy in personal applications", SENSIBLE/ITG/GI Workshop 2010 on Self-Integrating Systems for Better Living Environments, Wiesbaden, Germany K. Rannenberg 12./13.11.2010
"Identity systems: Informational self determination", Chair of of the panel discussion, 32nd International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners "Privacy: Generations", Jerusalem, Israel M. Hansen 27.10.2010
"Fostering Innovation in Privacy Protection", Panel participation in conference session at OECD conference "The Role ofthe Individual in Privacy Protection: 30 Years after the OECD Privacy Guidelines", Jerusalem, Israel M. Hansen 26.10.2010
"Privacy-Awareness Information for Web Forums: Results from an Empirical Study", at 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Extending Boundaries (NordiCHI'10), Reykjavik, Iceland S. Pötzsch, P. Wolkerstorfer, C. Graf 16.-20.10.2010
"End-to-end-veryfiable Voting am Beispiel von ThreeBallot und Scantegrity II", Invited talk at Datenspuren 2010, Dresden, Germany B. Kellermann 16.10.2010
"Privacy Aspects of Social Networks", Chair of panel discussion at ISSE 2010, Berlin, Germany M. Hansen 06.10.2010
"Social Lending aus der Perspektive des Datenschutzes", at SICHERHEIT 2010 - Sicherheit, Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit, Berlin, Germany R. Böhme, S. Pötzsch 05.10.-07.10.2010
"Towards future-proof privacy-respecting identity management systems", presentation at ISSE 2010, Berlin, Germany M. Hansen 05.10.2010
"Privacy and informational self-determination - The perspective of a German Data Protection Authority", presentation at WISSP10, Abu Dhabi, United Arabian Emirates M. Hansen 04.10.2010
"Identitätsmanagement für Nutzer von Social Network", Deutsche Telekom Security Day 2010, Bonn, Germany K. Rannenberg 30.09.2010

"Identity management throughout life – solutions, trends, side effects", Networking Session at ICT2010, Brussels, Belgium. (slides)

Marit Hansen, Dieter M. Sommer, Lothar Fritsch, Nicolas Delvaux, Markus Tschersich, Charles Bastos Rodriguez


"e-CV demo", at ICT Event 2010, Brussels, Belgium S. Short, M.-M. Bergfeld, U. Pinsdorf 27.09.2010
"Clique (or making ambiguous audiences transparent)", Keynote at CTIT Workshop on Privacy in Online Social Networks, 2010, Enschede, The Netherlands B. van den Berg 21.09.2010
"Privacy ... Going, Going, Gone? The auction is in full swing", 9th IFIP HUMAN CHOICE and COMPUTERS K. Rannenberg 21.09.2010
"Introduction to the HCC-9 stream on Surveillance and Privacy", IFIP World Computer Congress, 2010, Brisbane, Australia S. Fischer-Hübner 20.-23.09.2010
"Einfluss wahrgenommener Privatsphäre und Anonymität auf Forennutzer", at Mensch&Computer 2010, Duisburg, Germany S. Pötzsch 12.-15.09.2010
"Privacy-Enhanced Single Event Scheduling", SecVote 2010, Luxemburg B. Kellermann 02.09.2010
"Kontrollverluste durch Informationstechnik", presentation at the Sommerakademie 2010 "Codex Digitalis: Optimierter Persönlichkeitsschutz - digital und vernetzt", Kiel, Germany M. Hansen 30.08.2010
"Audience segregation in social network sites", Keynote at Second IEEE International Conference on Social Computing/Second IEEE International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust, 2010, Minneapolis, USA B. van den Berg 22.08.2010
"Displaying privacy information with icons", at PrimeLife/IFIP SummerSchool 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden L.-E. Holtz, M. Hansen 06.08.2010
"PrimeLife Checkout - a Privacy enabling user interface", at PrimeLife/IFIP SummerSchool 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden U. König 05.08.2010
"Necessary processing of personal data - The need-to-know principle data from the new german identity card", at PrimeLife/IFIP SummerSchool 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden H. Zwingelberg 03.08.2010
"What's the meaning of lifelong privacy?", Co-Chairing of the conference session at the IFIP/PrimeLife SummerSchool 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden M. Hansen 02.08.-06.08.2010
"Towards an Economic Valuation of Telco-based Identity Management Enablers", Keynote at PrimeLife/IFIP SummerSchool 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden K. Rannenberg 02.08.-06.08.2010
"Web Bugs - Secret Tracking of Users by Users", at PrimeLife/IFIP SummerSchool 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden J. Dobias 02.08.-06.08.2010
"Controlling the Flow of PII to Web 2.0 beyond current Identity Service Provisioning", at PrimeLife/IFIP SummerSchool 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden M. Marhoefer, G. Bal 02.08.-06.08.2010
"eScience and Shared Workspaces: Enabler for next generation research environment", at PrimeLife/IFIP SummerSchool 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden C. Weber 02.08.-06.08.2010
"Implementabilty of the Identity Management Part in Pfitzmann/Hansen's Terminology for a Complex Digital World", at PrimeLife/IFIP SummerSchool 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden M. Berg, K. Borcea-Pfitzmann 02.08.2010
Lifelong Privacy", Keynote at PrimeLife/IFIP SummerSchool 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden A. Pfitzmann 02.08.2010
"Icons für E-Mail-Privacy", Presentation at the IETF 2010, Maastricht, The Netherlands U. König 26.07.2010
"Privacy Enhanced Identity Management and Transparency Enhancing Technologies", IPICS 2010 SummerSchool, Samos, Greece H. Hedbom 23.07.2010
"W3C Geolocation API calls for Better User Privacy Protection", at W3C Workshop on Privacy for Advanced WebAPIs, London, UK I. Krontiris 12./13.07.2010
"Privacy by Design", Presenting the research field of chair of DuD of Technische Universität Dresden at Info Event of National Contact Point Security Research, Bonn, Germany K. Borcea-Pfitzmann 24.06.2010
"Anoymous Communication and Multimedia Forensics", Presenting the research fields of chair of DuD of Technische Universität Dresden at Info Event of National Contact Point Security Research, Bonn, Germany S. Köpsell 24.06.2010
"The Role of Soft Information in Trust Building: Evidence from Online Social Lending", at TRUST 2010, Berlin, Germany S. Pötzsch, R. Böhme 21.-23.06.2010
"Online Privacy and Identity Management", at Salon im Kunsthof, Dresden, Germany S. Steinbrecher 21.06.2010
"Sociale netwerken die voldoen aan normen", Keynote at ECP-EPN seminar on Identiteitsmanagement: kostbaar vertrouwen, 2010, Delft, The Netherlands R. Leenes 17.06.2010
"Ambient Assisted Living", Workshop on Ambient Assisted Living, together with the SmartAssist project, Kiel, Germany M. Hansen, H. Zwingelberg 16.06.2010
"Privacy in mobile applications and beyond", Journée ADREAM, Architectures dynamiques reconfigurables pour systèmes embarqués autonomes mobiles, LAAS CNRS, Toulouse, France K. Rannenberg 15.06.2010
"Privacy-Aware Policy Matching", at IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications 2010 S. Trabelsi 10.06.2010
"Privacy by Design - Auf dem Weg zu einem effizienteren Datenschutz", Reimers-Kolleg, Bad Homburg K. Rannenberg 02.06.2010
"Feeling anonymous today? - An empirical study of the effect of privacy-awareness information on forum users", at General Online Research 10, Pforzheim, Germany S. Pötzsch 26.-28.05.2010
"Datenschutz und Technik III - Datenschutzfördernde Technik", lecture at University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany M. Hansen 12.05.2010

"Interoperable and Secure Reputation Systems", Information Security Summit, 2010

Sandra Steinbrecher May 2010
"Unlinking Database Entries: Implementation Issues in Privacy Preserving Secure Logging", 2nd International Workshop on Security and Communication Networks, 2010, Karlstad, Sweden T. Pulls May 2010
"Web 2.0: Dein öffentliches Privatleben", Conference session at University of Applied Sciences, Kiel, Germany M. Hansen 29.04.2010
"Invited talk", Keynote at SIG Security Annual meeting, 2010, Stockholm, Sweden S. Fischer-Hübner 27.04.2010
"Report on work of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 5 and especially Identity Management", at Workshop of Malaysia Standardisation Association, Melaka, Malaysia K. Ranneneberg 24.04.2010
"PrimeLife - Bringing sustainable privacy and identity management to future networks and services", at GI-Jahrestagung, Frauen und Informatik, Dortmund, Germany K. Borcea-Pfitzmann 24.04.2010
"Invited talk", Keynote at ISACA Scandinavian Conference, 2010, Göteborg, Sweden S. Fischer-Hübner 20.04.2010
"Distributed Usage Control", Conference session at the Dagstuhl Seminar 2010, Dagstuhl, Germany M. Hansen
"Identity Assurance - Who gets the assurance, who carries the risk?", Keynote at RISE Workshop "Ethical and Policy Implications of Global Mobility and Security K. Rannenberg 25./26.03.2010
"Privacy in Online Social Lending", at AAAI 2010 Spring Symposium on Intelligent Information Privacy Management, Stanford University, California, USA R. Böhme, S. Pötzsch 22.03.-24.03.2010
"The need for Interoperable Reputation systems", at iNetSec 2010: Open Research Problems in Network Security, Sofia, Bulgaria S. Steinbrecher 05./06.03.2010
"Open Research Questions of Privacy-Enhanced Event Scheduling", at iNetSec 2010: Open Research Problems in Network Security, Sofia, Bulgaria B. Kellermann 05./06.03.2010
"Selbstbestimmter Datenschutz: Lösungen für mehr Transparenz in Webshops und E-Mail", presentation at CeBIT 2010, Heise forum, Hannover, Germany H. Zwingelberg, U. König 03.03.2010
"Privacy by Design in Mobile Applications and Location Based Services", at Privacy by Design, The Gold Standard, Toronto, Canada K. Rannenberg January 2010
"Where the rubber meets the road: Privacy and Sociability in Social Network Sites", workshop on future research challenges for privacy and security in online social networks, Leuven, Belgium Ronald Leenes November 2009
"Privacy on the Web of Applications -- Challenges and Opportunities", talk held at TPAC 2009, Santa Clara, California, USA. Rigo Wenning November 2009
"Who needs Facebook anyway: Privacy and Sociablity in social network sites", Keynote at 5th Benelux Workshop on Information and System Security, 2010, Nijmegen, The Netherlands R. Leenes 29.11.2009

“User Innovation: Consumer Needs and Wishes” at E-Clic Entrepreneurship Week at the University of Stavanger, Norway.

Erik Wästlund Oktober 2009
"Tackling the Challenge of Lifelong Privacy"; eChallenges e-2009, Conference Proceedings (Paul Cunningham, Miriam Cunningham (Eds.), IIMC Intern. Information Management Corporation Marit Hansen, Sebastian Clauß, Andreas Pfitzmann, Maren Raguse, Sandra Steinbrecher Oktober 2009
"Putting Privacy Pictograms into Practice - A European Perspective", presentation at INFORMATIK 2009; Workshop "Sicherer Umgang mit sensiblen Daten - technische Prävention und Reaktionen auf Datenschutzverletzungen", Lübeck, Germany. Marit Hansen September 2009
"Privacy in a world of ambient and personalized ICT Services", at "The Net will not forget", European conference on ICT and Privacy, Copenhagen, Denmark. K. Rannenberg September 2009
"Where the rubber meets the road: Privacy and Sociability in Social Network Sites", NIS'09 Forth/ENISA Summerschool on Network & Information security, Crete, Greece. Ronald Leenes September 2009
"A Crypto Toolbox to Build Your Own Protocols", at Information Security Conference, Pisa, Italy Jan Camenisch September 2009
"Privacy and Liveliness for Reputation Systems", 2009 European PKI Workshop (EuroPKI'09), Pisa, Italy. Stefan Schiffner, Sebastian Clauß, Sandra Steinbrecher: September 2009

"Privacy Enhancing Cryptography: Theory and
 Practice", at Selected Areas of Cryptography, Calgary, Canada 

Jan Camenisch


"Twitter: Private Daten auf dem Präsentierteller", Press Publication
Marit Hansen
May 2009
"Datenschutzgerechtes Identitätsmanagement", talk at „neue Verwaltung - 10. Kongress mit Fachmesse eGovernment", Forum H - Datenschutz und Datensicherheit Sebastian Clauß May 2009
"Usable Security in PrimeLife", at the Second Annual Workshop IT Security In Practice (ITSIP 2009), Copenhagen, Danmark P. Wolkerstorfer 14.05.2009
"The EU Research Project "PrimeLife": Privacy & Identity Management for Life", at the Identity Management Group at Intellect, London, UK Marc-Michael Bergfeld, Stephan Spitz 14.05.2009
"Privacy Enhancing Technologies: Privacy by Design", at Pyt med privatlivet - eller Privacy by Design conference, Taastrup, Danmark Jan Camenisch 11.05.2009
"Identity, Trust and Privacy Management: State of the art and open problems", at Zurich Information Security Center (ZISC), ETH Zurich, Switzerland Jan Camenisch 21.04.2009
"Demokratie und Datenschutz auf Facebook & Co", Interview published at J. Schallaböck 20.04.2009
"A Nettiquette for Social Networks", Presentation at Re-Publica 2009 and 2nd Privacy Open Space in Berlin J. Schallaböck 03.04.2009
"Session 6: Infrastructure", at PrimeLife Reference Group Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany Marc-Michael Bergfeld, Ulrich Pinsdorf, Kai Rannenberg 24.03.2009
"Session 5: Mechanisms", at PrimeLife Reference Group Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany Pierangela Samarati 24.03.2009
"Session 4: Social Network Services", at PrimeLife Reference Group Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany Ronald Leenes 24.03.2009
"Session 3: Trusted Content and Privacy Throughout Life", at PrimeLife Reference Group Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany
Sandra Steinbrecher
"Session 2: Policies, Standards and Open Source", at PrimeLife Reference Group Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany Gregory Neven 23.03.2009
"Session 1: PrimeLife Usability Work", at PrimeLife Reference Group Meeting, Frankfurt Germany Simone Fischer-Hübner 23.03.2009
Social Network Sites - about (re)discovering social norms and public goods", at Computers, Privacy & Data Protection 2010, Brussels, Belgium Roland Leenes
January 2009
"Identitätsmanagement - Notwendigkeit und Grenzen eigenverantwortlichen Datenumgangs von Kindern und Jugendlichen", at Symposium ZDF Soziale Netzwerke, Mainz, Germany
Maren Raguse
"Privacy and identity management for life: From identify cards and cell phones to the internet", Talk at Fine Balance Event 2008, London, U.K. Jan Camenisch 27.11.2008
"The case of Social Network Sites (SNS)", at the PrimeLife Privacy Meets ICT practice session, ICT event 2008, Lyon, France Martin Pekárek 27.11.2008
"Technology and Tools for Trustworthy ICT", at the ICT event 2008, Lyon, France Simone Fischer-Hübner 26.11.2008
"Neue Datenschutztechnik für neue Herausforderungen", at the 13th Symposium on Privacy and Security, Zurich, Switzerland Marit Hansen 09.09.2008
"Mobile Identity Management - Trends and Business Factors", at the IFIP/FIDIS Summer school, Brno, Czech Republic K. Rannenberg 04.09.2008
"Enhancing Mulitlateral Security in and by Reputation Systems", at the IFIP/FIDIS Summer school, Brno, Czech Republic Sandra Steinbrecher 02.09.2008
"A survey on transparency tools for enhancing privacy", at the IFIP/FIDIS Summer school, Brno, Czech Republic Hans Hedbom 01.09.2008
"Selbstschutz, Identitätsmanagement im Netz", at the Sommerakademie, Kiel, Germany Maren Raguse, Harald Zwingelberg 01.09.2008
"Datenschutzstandardisierung im weltweiten Netz", at the Sommerakademie, Kiel, Germany J. Schallaböck 01.09.2008
"Delegation of Access Rights in Multi-Domain Service Composition", at CAST-Forum workshop on SOA-security, Darmstadt, Germany Ulrich Pinsdorf 19.06.2008
"Concepts of Privacy Enhancing Identity Management for Privacy Enhancing Security Technologies", at PRISE Conference, Vienna, Austria Marit Hansen 29.04.2008