Title |
Author(s) |
Date |
"Privacy-respecting Reputation for Wiki Users", at IFIP Trust Management, Copenhagen, Denmark | B. Kellermann, S. Pötzsch, S. Steinbrecher | 29.06.-01.07.2011 |
"Paneltalk", at LAW AND TECHNOLGY Workshop, ONLINE TRACKING PROTECTION & BROWSERS, Brussels, Belgium | K. Rannenberg | 22./23.06.2011 |
"An Economic Valuation Approach for (Privacy Enhancing) Identity Management Services", at PrimeLife Summit Event/IFIP SEC 2011, Lucerne, Switzerland | S. Koschinat, G. Bal, K. Rannenberg | 07.06.-09.06.2011 |
"Policy Specification and Enforcement in Emerging Scenarios", keynote at IEEE International Symposium on Policies for Distribuited Systems and Networks (POLICY 2011), Pisa, Italy, June 6-8, 2011 |
P. Samariti |
06.06.2011 |
"Who needs Facebook anyway? – privacy & sociality in Social Network Sites", keynote at Federated Social Web Conference, to be held June 3-5, 2011 in Berlin, Germany |
R. Leenes |
03.06.2011 |
"An Economic Valuation Approach for (Privacy Enhancing) Identity Management Systems", at FIA 2011-1, Budapest, Hungary | K. Rannenberg | 17.05.-19.05.2011 |
"Privacy in Emerging Scenarios of the Information Society", MSc programme on Technoeconomic Management and Security of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, Greece, April 23rd, 2011 | P. Samarati | 23.04.2011 |
"Welcome Speech" Keynote at Trust in Digital Life General Assembly, Düsseldorf, Germany | K. Rannenberg | 05./06.04.2011 |
"Privacy Dashboard - Gratis Schutz vor verstecketn Cookies", Interview published at | P. Wolkerstorfer | 04.04.2011 |
"Identitätsmanagement - Wer managt was?", Keynote at Paderborner Tag der IT-Sicherheit 2011, Paderborn, Germany | K. Rannenberg | 17.03.2011 |
"Data Protection and Privacy for pupils", booth presentation at 1. Mini-Medien-Kompetenz Messe, Kiel, germany | K. Janneck, H. Brocks | 19.02.2011 |
"Online Privacy", participation in Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 11061/1, Dagstuhl, Germany | M. Hansen | 06.02.-11.02.2011 |
"Privacy in mobile applications and beyond", at Uni Luxemburg Workshop: Location-based Services and Privacy Assurance (LSPA) | K. Rannenberg | 04.02.2011 |
"What is on the law firms agenda?", chairing of the panel discussion at the Conference Computers, Privacy & Data Protection CPDP 2011, Brussels, Belgium | M. Hansen | 25.01.-27.01.2011 |
"Transparency enhancing tools, HCI for policy display & informed consent", Paneldiscussion at the ENISA panel at CPDP 2011, Brussels, Belgium | S. Fischer-Hübner | 25.01.2011 |
"Identity Assurance - Who gets the assurance, who carries the risk?", at TURBINE final Workshop - CryptoBimoetrics for Enhanced Trusted Identity Managemen: Dreams and Reality | K. Rannenberg | 17./18.01.2011 |
"Ein Kondom für den Firefox", Interview published at | P. Wolkerstorfer | 02.01.2011 |
"Assessment of Privacy Issues in Monitoring Environments", talk at meeting of the PHM Ethics project, Göttingen, Germany | H. Zwingelberg | 30.11.2010 |
"Law Enforcement and Data Retention in the light of Anoymisation Services", at Cyberspace 2010, Brno, Czech Republic | S. Köpsell, P. Svenda | 26.11.2010 |
"Privacy in personal applications", SENSIBLE/ITG/GI Workshop 2010 on Self-Integrating Systems for Better Living Environments, Wiesbaden, Germany | K. Rannenberg | 12./13.11.2010 |
"Identity systems: Informational self determination", Chair of of the panel discussion, 32nd International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners "Privacy: Generations", Jerusalem, Israel | M. Hansen | 27.10.2010 |
"Fostering Innovation in Privacy Protection", Panel participation in conference session at OECD conference "The Role ofthe Individual in Privacy Protection: 30 Years after the OECD Privacy Guidelines", Jerusalem, Israel | M. Hansen | 26.10.2010 |
"Privacy-Awareness Information for Web Forums: Results from an Empirical Study", at 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Extending Boundaries (NordiCHI'10), Reykjavik, Iceland | S. Pötzsch, P. Wolkerstorfer, C. Graf | 16.-20.10.2010 |
"End-to-end-veryfiable Voting am Beispiel von ThreeBallot und Scantegrity II", Invited talk at Datenspuren 2010, Dresden, Germany | B. Kellermann | 16.10.2010 |
"Privacy Aspects of Social Networks", Chair of panel discussion at ISSE 2010, Berlin, Germany | M. Hansen | 06.10.2010 |
"Social Lending aus der Perspektive des Datenschutzes", at SICHERHEIT 2010 - Sicherheit, Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit, Berlin, Germany | R. Böhme, S. Pötzsch | 05.10.-07.10.2010 |
"Towards future-proof privacy-respecting identity management systems", presentation at ISSE 2010, Berlin, Germany | M. Hansen | 05.10.2010 |
"Privacy and informational self-determination - The perspective of a German Data Protection Authority", presentation at WISSP10, Abu Dhabi, United Arabian Emirates | M. Hansen | 04.10.2010 |
"Identitätsmanagement für Nutzer von Social Network", Deutsche Telekom Security Day 2010, Bonn, Germany | K. Rannenberg | 30.09.2010 |
"Identity management throughout life – solutions, trends, side effects", Networking Session at ICT2010, Brussels, Belgium. (slides) |
Marit Hansen, Dieter M. Sommer, Lothar Fritsch, Nicolas Delvaux, Markus Tschersich, Charles Bastos Rodriguez |
29.09.2010 |
"e-CV demo", at ICT Event 2010, Brussels, Belgium | S. Short, M.-M. Bergfeld, U. Pinsdorf | 27.09.2010 |
"Clique (or making ambiguous audiences transparent)", Keynote at CTIT Workshop on Privacy in Online Social Networks, 2010, Enschede, The Netherlands | B. van den Berg | 21.09.2010 |
"Privacy ... Going, Going, Gone? The auction is in full swing", 9th IFIP HUMAN CHOICE and COMPUTERS | K. Rannenberg | 21.09.2010 |
"Introduction to the HCC-9 stream on Surveillance and Privacy", IFIP World Computer Congress, 2010, Brisbane, Australia | S. Fischer-Hübner | 20.-23.09.2010 |
"Einfluss wahrgenommener Privatsphäre und Anonymität auf Forennutzer", at Mensch&Computer 2010, Duisburg, Germany | S. Pötzsch | 12.-15.09.2010 |
"Privacy-Enhanced Single Event Scheduling", SecVote 2010, Luxemburg | B. Kellermann | 02.09.2010 |
"Kontrollverluste durch Informationstechnik", presentation at the Sommerakademie 2010 "Codex Digitalis: Optimierter Persönlichkeitsschutz - digital und vernetzt", Kiel, Germany | M. Hansen | 30.08.2010 |
"Audience segregation in social network sites", Keynote at Second IEEE International Conference on Social Computing/Second IEEE International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust, 2010, Minneapolis, USA | B. van den Berg | 22.08.2010 |
"Displaying privacy information with icons", at PrimeLife/IFIP SummerSchool 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden | L.-E. Holtz, M. Hansen | 06.08.2010 |
"PrimeLife Checkout - a Privacy enabling user interface", at PrimeLife/IFIP SummerSchool 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden | U. König | 05.08.2010 |
"Necessary processing of personal data - The need-to-know principle data from the new german identity card", at PrimeLife/IFIP SummerSchool 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden | H. Zwingelberg | 03.08.2010 |
"What's the meaning of lifelong privacy?", Co-Chairing of the conference session at the IFIP/PrimeLife SummerSchool 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden | M. Hansen | 02.08.-06.08.2010 |
"Towards an Economic Valuation of Telco-based Identity Management Enablers", Keynote at PrimeLife/IFIP SummerSchool 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden | K. Rannenberg | 02.08.-06.08.2010 |
"Web Bugs - Secret Tracking of Users by Users", at PrimeLife/IFIP SummerSchool 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden | J. Dobias | 02.08.-06.08.2010 |
"Controlling the Flow of PII to Web 2.0 beyond current Identity Service Provisioning", at PrimeLife/IFIP SummerSchool 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden | M. Marhoefer, G. Bal | 02.08.-06.08.2010 |
"eScience and Shared Workspaces: Enabler for next generation research environment", at PrimeLife/IFIP SummerSchool 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden | C. Weber | 02.08.-06.08.2010 |
"Implementabilty of the Identity Management Part in Pfitzmann/Hansen's Terminology for a Complex Digital World", at PrimeLife/IFIP SummerSchool 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden | M. Berg, K. Borcea-Pfitzmann | 02.08.2010 |
Lifelong Privacy", Keynote at PrimeLife/IFIP SummerSchool 2010, Helsingborg, Sweden | A. Pfitzmann | 02.08.2010 |
"Icons für E-Mail-Privacy", Presentation at the IETF 2010, Maastricht, The Netherlands | U. König | 26.07.2010 |
"Privacy Enhanced Identity Management and Transparency Enhancing Technologies", IPICS 2010 SummerSchool, Samos, Greece | H. Hedbom | 23.07.2010 |
"W3C Geolocation API calls for Better User Privacy Protection", at W3C Workshop on Privacy for Advanced WebAPIs, London, UK | I. Krontiris | 12./13.07.2010 |
"Privacy by Design", Presenting the research field of chair of DuD of Technische Universität Dresden at Info Event of National Contact Point Security Research, Bonn, Germany | K. Borcea-Pfitzmann | 24.06.2010 |
"Anoymous Communication and Multimedia Forensics", Presenting the research fields of chair of DuD of Technische Universität Dresden at Info Event of National Contact Point Security Research, Bonn, Germany | S. Köpsell | 24.06.2010 |
"The Role of Soft Information in Trust Building: Evidence from Online Social Lending", at TRUST 2010, Berlin, Germany | S. Pötzsch, R. Böhme | 21.-23.06.2010 |
"Online Privacy and Identity Management", at Salon im Kunsthof, Dresden, Germany | S. Steinbrecher | 21.06.2010 |
"Sociale netwerken die voldoen aan normen", Keynote at ECP-EPN seminar on Identiteitsmanagement: kostbaar vertrouwen, 2010, Delft, The Netherlands | R. Leenes | 17.06.2010 |
"Ambient Assisted Living", Workshop on Ambient Assisted Living, together with the SmartAssist project, Kiel, Germany | M. Hansen, H. Zwingelberg | 16.06.2010 |
"Privacy in mobile applications and beyond", Journée ADREAM, Architectures dynamiques reconfigurables pour systèmes embarqués autonomes mobiles, LAAS CNRS, Toulouse, France | K. Rannenberg | 15.06.2010 |
"Privacy-Aware Policy Matching", at IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications 2010 | S. Trabelsi | 10.06.2010 |
"Privacy by Design - Auf dem Weg zu einem effizienteren Datenschutz", Reimers-Kolleg, Bad Homburg | K. Rannenberg | 02.06.2010 |
"Feeling anonymous today? - An empirical study of the effect of privacy-awareness information on forum users", at General Online Research 10, Pforzheim, Germany | S. Pötzsch | 26.-28.05.2010 |
"Datenschutz und Technik III - Datenschutzfördernde Technik", lecture at University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany | M. Hansen | 12.05.2010 |
"Interoperable and Secure Reputation Systems", Information Security Summit, 2010 |
Sandra Steinbrecher | May 2010 |
"Unlinking Database Entries: Implementation Issues in Privacy Preserving Secure Logging", 2nd International Workshop on Security and Communication Networks, 2010, Karlstad, Sweden | T. Pulls | May 2010 |
"Web 2.0: Dein öffentliches Privatleben", Conference session at University of Applied Sciences, Kiel, Germany | M. Hansen | 29.04.2010 |
"Invited talk", Keynote at SIG Security Annual meeting, 2010, Stockholm, Sweden | S. Fischer-Hübner | 27.04.2010 |
"Report on work of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 5 and especially Identity Management", at Workshop of Malaysia Standardisation Association, Melaka, Malaysia | K. Ranneneberg | 24.04.2010 |
"PrimeLife - Bringing sustainable privacy and identity management to future networks and services", at GI-Jahrestagung, Frauen und Informatik, Dortmund, Germany | K. Borcea-Pfitzmann | 24.04.2010 |
"Invited talk", Keynote at ISACA Scandinavian Conference, 2010, Göteborg, Sweden | S. Fischer-Hübner | 20.04.2010 |
"Distributed Usage Control", Conference session at the Dagstuhl Seminar 2010, Dagstuhl, Germany | M. Hansen | |
"Identity Assurance - Who gets the assurance, who carries the risk?", Keynote at RISE Workshop "Ethical and Policy Implications of Global Mobility and Security | K. Rannenberg | 25./26.03.2010 |
"Privacy in Online Social Lending", at AAAI 2010 Spring Symposium on Intelligent Information Privacy Management, Stanford University, California, USA | R. Böhme, S. Pötzsch | 22.03.-24.03.2010 |
"The need for Interoperable Reputation systems", at iNetSec 2010: Open Research Problems in Network Security, Sofia, Bulgaria | S. Steinbrecher | 05./06.03.2010 |
"Open Research Questions of Privacy-Enhanced Event Scheduling", at iNetSec 2010: Open Research Problems in Network Security, Sofia, Bulgaria | B. Kellermann | 05./06.03.2010 |
"Selbstbestimmter Datenschutz: Lösungen für mehr Transparenz in Webshops und E-Mail", presentation at CeBIT 2010, Heise forum, Hannover, Germany | H. Zwingelberg, U. König | 03.03.2010 |
"Privacy by Design in Mobile Applications and Location Based Services", at Privacy by Design, The Gold Standard, Toronto, Canada | K. Rannenberg | January 2010 |
"Where the rubber meets the road: Privacy and Sociability in Social Network Sites", workshop on future research challenges for privacy and security in online social networks, Leuven, Belgium | Ronald Leenes | November 2009 |
"Privacy on the Web of Applications -- Challenges and Opportunities", talk held at TPAC 2009, Santa Clara, California, USA. | Rigo Wenning | November 2009 |
"Who needs Facebook anyway: Privacy and Sociablity in social network sites", Keynote at 5th Benelux Workshop on Information and System Security, 2010, Nijmegen, The Netherlands | R. Leenes | 29.11.2009 |
“User Innovation: Consumer Needs and Wishes” at E-Clic Entrepreneurship Week at the University of Stavanger, Norway. |
Erik Wästlund | Oktober 2009 |
"Tackling the Challenge of Lifelong Privacy"; eChallenges e-2009, Conference Proceedings (Paul Cunningham, Miriam Cunningham (Eds.), IIMC Intern. Information Management Corporation | Marit Hansen, Sebastian Clauß, Andreas Pfitzmann, Maren Raguse, Sandra Steinbrecher | Oktober 2009 |
"Putting Privacy Pictograms into Practice - A European Perspective", presentation at INFORMATIK 2009; Workshop "Sicherer Umgang mit sensiblen Daten - technische Prävention und Reaktionen auf Datenschutzverletzungen", Lübeck, Germany. | Marit Hansen | September 2009 |
"Privacy in a world of ambient and personalized ICT Services", at "The Net will not forget", European conference on ICT and Privacy, Copenhagen, Denmark. | K. Rannenberg | September 2009 |
"Where the rubber meets the road: Privacy and Sociability in Social Network Sites", NIS'09 Forth/ENISA Summerschool on Network & Information security, Crete, Greece. | Ronald Leenes | September 2009 |
"A Crypto Toolbox to Build Your Own Protocols", at Information Security Conference, Pisa, Italy | Jan Camenisch | September 2009 |
"Privacy and Liveliness for Reputation Systems", 2009 European PKI Workshop (EuroPKI'09), Pisa, Italy. | Stefan Schiffner, Sebastian Clauß, Sandra Steinbrecher: | September 2009 |
"Privacy Enhancing Cryptography: Theory and |
Jan Camenisch |
13.08.2009 |
"Twitter: Private Daten auf dem Präsentierteller", Press Publication |
Marit Hansen |
May 2009 |
"Datenschutzgerechtes Identitätsmanagement", talk at „neue Verwaltung - 10. Kongress mit Fachmesse eGovernment", Forum H - Datenschutz und Datensicherheit | Sebastian Clauß | May 2009 |
"Usable Security in PrimeLife", at the Second Annual Workshop IT Security In Practice (ITSIP 2009), Copenhagen, Danmark | P. Wolkerstorfer | 14.05.2009 |
"The EU Research Project "PrimeLife": Privacy & Identity Management for Life", at the Identity Management Group at Intellect, London, UK | Marc-Michael Bergfeld, Stephan Spitz | 14.05.2009 |
"Privacy Enhancing Technologies: Privacy by Design", at Pyt med privatlivet - eller Privacy by Design conference, Taastrup, Danmark | Jan Camenisch | 11.05.2009 |
"Identity, Trust and Privacy Management: State of the art and open problems", at Zurich Information Security Center (ZISC), ETH Zurich, Switzerland | Jan Camenisch | 21.04.2009 |
"Demokratie und Datenschutz auf Facebook & Co", Interview published at | J. Schallaböck | 20.04.2009 |
"A Nettiquette for Social Networks", Presentation at Re-Publica 2009 and 2nd Privacy Open Space in Berlin | J. Schallaböck | 03.04.2009 |
"Session 6: Infrastructure", at PrimeLife Reference Group Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany | Marc-Michael Bergfeld, Ulrich Pinsdorf, Kai Rannenberg | 24.03.2009 |
"Session 5: Mechanisms", at PrimeLife Reference Group Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany | Pierangela Samarati | 24.03.2009 |
"Session 4: Social Network Services", at PrimeLife Reference Group Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany | Ronald Leenes | 24.03.2009 |
"Session 3: Trusted Content and Privacy Throughout Life", at PrimeLife Reference Group Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany |
Sandra Steinbrecher |
23.03.2009 |
"Session 2: Policies, Standards and Open Source", at PrimeLife Reference Group Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany | Gregory Neven | 23.03.2009 |
"Session 1: PrimeLife Usability Work", at PrimeLife Reference Group Meeting, Frankfurt Germany | Simone Fischer-Hübner | 23.03.2009 |
Social Network Sites - about (re)discovering social norms and public goods", at Computers, Privacy & Data Protection 2010, Brussels, Belgium | Roland Leenes |
January 2009 |
"Identitätsmanagement - Notwendigkeit und Grenzen eigenverantwortlichen Datenumgangs von Kindern und Jugendlichen", at Symposium ZDF Soziale Netzwerke, Mainz, Germany |
Maren Raguse |
30.01.2009 |
"Privacy and identity management for life: From identify cards and cell phones to the internet", Talk at Fine Balance Event 2008, London, U.K. | Jan Camenisch | 27.11.2008 |
"The case of Social Network Sites (SNS)", at the PrimeLife Privacy Meets ICT practice session, ICT event 2008, Lyon, France | Martin Pekárek | 27.11.2008 |
"Technology and Tools for Trustworthy ICT", at the ICT event 2008, Lyon, France | Simone Fischer-Hübner | 26.11.2008 |
"Neue Datenschutztechnik für neue Herausforderungen", at the 13th Symposium on Privacy and Security, Zurich, Switzerland | Marit Hansen | 09.09.2008 |
"Mobile Identity Management - Trends and Business Factors", at the IFIP/FIDIS Summer school, Brno, Czech Republic | K. Rannenberg | 04.09.2008 |
"Enhancing Mulitlateral Security in and by Reputation Systems", at the IFIP/FIDIS Summer school, Brno, Czech Republic | Sandra Steinbrecher | 02.09.2008 |
"A survey on transparency tools for enhancing privacy", at the IFIP/FIDIS Summer school, Brno, Czech Republic | Hans Hedbom | 01.09.2008 |
"Selbstschutz, Identitätsmanagement im Netz", at the Sommerakademie, Kiel, Germany | Maren Raguse, Harald Zwingelberg | 01.09.2008 |
"Datenschutzstandardisierung im weltweiten Netz", at the Sommerakademie, Kiel, Germany | J. Schallaböck | 01.09.2008 |
"Delegation of Access Rights in Multi-Domain Service Composition", at CAST-Forum workshop on SOA-security, Darmstadt, Germany | Ulrich Pinsdorf | 19.06.2008 |
"Concepts of Privacy Enhancing Identity Management for Privacy Enhancing Security Technologies", at PRISE Conference, Vienna, Austria | Marit Hansen | 29.04.2008 |