Two reports published on requirements for next generation policies and a trustworthy blog/wiki prototype
PrimeLife publishes two reports on requirements for next generation policies and a functional description of a trustworthy blog/wiki prototype
PrimeLife finalized two reports on requirements for next generation policies and a functional description of a trustworthy blog/wiki prototype which are now available for download on this website.
Deliverable D1.1.2 "First trustworthy wiki/blog prototype: Functional description" forms part of the deliverable of a focal demonstrator for milestone M2 of the PrimeLife project.
It discusses the selected use case scenario in terms of desired benefits and implemented functions, it outlines the high-level system architecture and public interfaces for integration, and it gives a brief overview of related work and a future outlook.
Heartbeat H5.1.1 "Draft requirements for next generation policies" provides a first step in the development of a versatile privacy policy language, one of the core activities in the PrimeLife project.
Policy languages are a key element in any privacy-aware information infrastructure. Machineinterpretable languages have the major advantage over natural languages that, if designed properly, they allow automated negotiation, reasoning, composition, and enforcement of policies. The report describes a number of relevant use case scenarios involving privacy policies and derives from these a list of requirements that should be met by the PrimeLife policy language.