D2.3.1 - Second report on mechanisms
Stefano Paraboschi
Today’s society places great demand on the dissemination and sharing of information. One of the main challenges is to enable the legitimate use and sharing of information while at the same time guaranteeing both proper protection of the privacy of the individuals to whom information refers and proper preservationoftheuser’sauthorityoverthedata.
This document describes the research results of the second year of the project obtained by the four work packages of Activity 2, which all focus on the investigation of the issues above. The document, similarly to the report produced at the end of the first year [CS09], includes one chapter for each work package that briefly describes the main research results along with an indication of what are the issues that will be addressed in the remaining third year of the project. The las tchapte rlists the abstracts of the research papers of the second year, reporting the findings of the workpackages of Activity 2.