H5.1.1 - Draft requirements for next generation policies

Carine Bournez, Gregory Neven, Claudio Ardagna, Laurent Bussard, Michele Bezzi, Jan Camenisch, Aleksandra Kuczerawy, Sebastian Meissner, Stefano Paraboschi, Eros Pedrini, Ulrich Pinsdorf, Franz-Stefan Preiss, Slim Trabelsi, Christina Tziviskou, Pierangela Samarati, Jan Schallaboeck, Stuart Short, Dieter Sommer, Thomas Roessler, Sabrina de Capitani di Vimercati, Mario Verdicchio, Rigo Wenning

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One of the core activities in the PrimeLife project is the design and implementation of a versatile privacy policy language. Policy languages are a key element in any privacy-aware information infrastructure. Machineinterpretable languages have the major advantage over natural languages that, if designed properly, they allow automated negotiation, reasoning, composition, and enforcement of policies. This document provides the first step in the development of such a language. It describes a number of relevant use case scenarios involving privacy policies and derives from these a list of requirements that should be met by the PrimeLife policy language.