H6.1.2 - Towards an Economic Valuation of Identity Management Enablers

Sascha Koschinat, Gökhan Bal, Marvin Hegen, Kai Rannenberg

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In the economy at large, there are inefficient and ineffective business processes in every industry. The current untapped potential of Identity Management (IdM) related Customer Data Assets and Functional Capabilities in many companies (e.g. Mobile Communication Providers (MCPs)) could help Service Providers (enterprises, and government) to interact with End Customers (consumers, and citizens) in more efficient and effective ways than they can today. Therefore these IdM Assets and Capabilities should not be seen as by-products of service provisioning, but rather as bundles of core-products, here called as IdM Enablers. The "IdM Enabler Concept" has emerged as a way to describe these IdM Assets and Capabilities. This document aims to identify potential IdM Assets and Capabilities of adequate companies that could be bundled to IdM Enablers and utilized to enable and provide new Value Added Services (VAS) to End Customers and Service Providers considering End Customers' Privacy. The identified IdM Assets, Capabilities, and Enablers will be analysed in order to prepare a way for an economic valuation of the "Identity Business" potentials.