phpBB Privacy-Awareness Support: Personal Data MOD

MOD is short for modification, a usual concept for extension of original phpBB forum software. The objective of the Personal Data MOD is to provide information about visibility of personal data to phpBB forum users and thereby supporting users' privacy awareness.

License Programming Language Operating System/Platform Category Intended Audience Download
GPLv2 PHP PHP-Enabled-Webserver with phpBB3 Forum Privacy Awareness, Social Software Providers and users of phpBB3 forums


User interface of Personal Data MOD
Figure 1: User interface of Personal Data MOD

How to Use

Only a running phpBB3 forum and Personal Data MOD are required. A detailed installation guide for forum providers is included in the download package. Forum users get displayed Personal Data MOD on top of the forum (see Figure 1). On the left side, a user is reminded about personal data from her/his profile and its visibility. The user is also informed about additional information which is automatically transmitted to the forum provider when visiting the forum. On the right side, a user is notified about the visibility of her/his latest actions and she/he also learns that the forum does not "forget" old actions, however everything is logged and can be looked up even after a longer time period.

Personal Data MOD distinguishes four visibility classes for user's personal data (see Figure 2).

Eye icons in different shades of red representing four visibility classes for personal data
Figure 2: Eye icons in different shades of red representing four visibility classes for personal data

Target Audience

The target audience of Personal Data MOD are providers and users of phpBB3 forums.

Further Information

Platform: phpBB3

Architecture: server-side extension/modification of phpBB software




Stefanie Pötzsch. Untersuchung des Einflusses von wahrgenommener Privatsphäre und Anonymität auf die Kommunikation in einer Online-Community. In S. Fischer, E. Maehle, and R. Reischuk (Eds.) Informatik 2009, Im Fokus das Leben, 28 September-02 October 2009, Lübeck, volume 154 of Lecture Notes in Informatics, pp. 2152-2165. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 2009. (in German),

Wolsch, Richard. Erweiterungsmodul für die Forensoftware phpBB zur Präsentation datenschutzrelevanter Awareness-Informationen. Belegarbeit an der Technischen Universität Dresden, April 2010.

License: GPL2

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LastUpdate: 20.9.10