D4.2.2 - End User Transparency Tools: UI Prototypes

Erik Wästlund, Simone Fischer Hübner, Staffan Gustafsson, Peter Wolkerstorfer, Cornelia Graf, Tobias Pulls, Hans Hedbom, Marit Hansen

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The Data Track is a user-side transparency-enhancing tool developed in PrimeLife, which provides the users with a history function documenting what personal data the user has revealed to whom under which conditions. Besides, it provides online functions to access the user's personal data at the remote services side.

This deliverable documents PrimeLife work package 4.2's work on a usable Data Track. After introducing into the Data Track functionalities and the technical background, we will present the results of five iterations of user interface developments and usability testing, which we performed at Karlstad University and at CURE. We also present our initial work on a Data Track for social communities as well as on a Data Track for lifelong privacy.